Safety Tips for Kids & Dogs
Summer weather means hot temperatures and the inside of cars get even hotter so remember it is never OK to leave kids or pets in a car -- even with the windows down.
Kids are more susceptible and at higher risk for heat-related illness and injury than adults because their bodies make more heat relative to their size and their abilities to cool through sweating are not as developed as adults.
On a day that is just 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature [inside a car] can increase by 30 to 40 degrees in an hour, and 70% of this increase occurs the first 30 minutes. If you suspect your child has heatstroke consult a doctor immediately and provide fluids. Give your child as much cold water as he will drink. Do this until he feels better. If you have a sports drink such as Gatorade, give it instead. Sports drinks contain water, salt and sugar.
Beating the heat is extra tough for dogs because they can only cool themselves by panting and by sweating through their paw pads.
If you see a dog left alone in a hot car, take down the car's color, model, make, and license plate number. Have the owner paged in the nearest buildings, or call local humane authorities or police. Have someone keep an eye on the dog. If your dog becomes overheated there are steps you can take.
Provide water to drink, and if possible spray the dog with a garden hose or immerse him or her in a tub of cool (but not iced) water for up to two minutes in order to lower the body temperature gradually. You can also place the dog in front of an electric fan. Applying cool, wet towels to the groin area, stomach, chest, and paws can also help. Be careful not to use ice or cold water, and don't overcool the animal.